For this second review, I will talk about another good tool that can help students in language learning and learning process itself. The tool is called blogger. What is Blogger? To those who still not familiar with it, Blogger is a blogging publishing service. This tool is good to use as it can bring many benefits especially to those who are having lack of confidence in not just speaking in English but also in speaking in front of people who they barely know.
Blogger can be used as a place where users can improve on the level of their shyness. Now let’s be honest, there are shy people out there. Even if they are not technically shy, we can still say that they are socially anxious. This is something that is natural. This scenario happens in almost everywhere. With blogger usage in learning process, students can overcome this problem. How so? Well in blogger, students can have conversations, changing opinions, do Q&A session with lecturers or their classmates without even need to be conscious as there is nobody there in front of them that can make them nervous. Where as in class with some students, such activities could not take place due to their shyness. In addition, lecturers can also ask their students to do presentation on what they have put in their blog. By doing this, students will learn to develop on their communication skills which at the end of the day will enable them to overcome their lack in confidence of speaking especially in public. Therefore, Blogger is quite good for building self-esteem among students.
Besides that, with blogger users can also create their own page where in that page, they can write anything they like. This is the medium where they can share their thoughts, ideas and opinions with the world especially on educational stuff. Users can write anything if they feel that is necessary. Besides that, users can also have discussion on particular topics with other bloggers if they want to gain more knowledge. By using this, students will be able to understand better about what they learn and discuss since they can see opinions of others in different perspectives.
Lastly, Blogger can also be beneficial to students especially to those students who are studying language courses in their universities. This is simply because Blogger encourages them to improve their skills in writing as the way of ideas and thoughts shared in the blog are through writing. Therefore, we can say that the more things students write in their blog, the more they will improve in their writing skills.
Blogger is totally free and fun to use. Those who wish to use it can just visit this link and sign up. Enjoy!!
Muhamad Nizam Ashraff Bin Mohd Taharim (A131950)
1. SCOPUS/SciTopics
Retrieved from:
"The educational affordances of blogs offer opportunities for students to become self-directed learners in a supportive social environment."
2. The Chronicle of Higher Education
Retreieved from:
"The rise of online media has helped raise a new generation of college students who write far more, and in more-diverse forms, than their predecessors did"
"Some scholars say that this new writing is more engaged and more connected to an audience, and that colleges should encourage students to bring lessons from that writing into the classroom"
"Digital technologies, computer networks, the Web —all of those things have led to an explosion in writing," Mr. Grabill says. "People write more now than ever.
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