Friday, March 25, 2011

Tool 5 : Voki


Finally, the last tool that I am going to review is 'Voki'. To go to Voki, you can click here. I find this tool is very practical as it can be used for those who are having speaking and confidence problems. Voki is meant for non-commercial use and for social purposes. Thus, this tool does really meet the requirement for all students. Plus, Voki is free and there no charge applied for anyone who is using this tool. Isn't it's great? : )

I, myself have used Voki for learning purposes. This is another different yet fun and interesting method for learning. So, students can try new a new style and in directly they will become a creative person.


Firstly, by using Voki, users can record themselves speaking and they can repeat it until they are satisfied with their recordings. I think this feature gives students an easy way to remember complicated things such as facts. For those who are having difficulties in memorizing facts, I recommend them to use Voki. In terms of speaking, they can actually practice to speak in Voki. They can try how to pronounce each word perfectly and correctly. In Voki, they can create a speaking character and they can add their own voice too. This is awesome and fun! Not only that, they can publish their recordings and share it with their friend. Other users will get the chance to hear their recordings. Thus, the listeners will gives their own review on they recording and so the speaker can improve their recording based on the comments given by the other users. Indirectly, they can correct each other and definitely it can helps to improve their speaking skills a little by little.

Next, in terms of self-confidence. Some people are afraid to speak in front of public as they have low self confidence. With the help of Voki, they do not have to feel that way anymore. Voki is one of the perfect tools that can be used in order to practice your speech. Most of us are afraid in saying or pronouncing words wrongly. Therefore, before giving their speech, they can record their speech first in Voki. By doing that, they can listen on what they should improve, on what words they should emphasize on and more. At the end, they will be more prepared and more confidence during the real speech. Cool right?

I choose these problems (speaking and lack of confidence) as my main focus as I also have been in the same situation before. Speaking is related very much to lack of confidence. If students do not good in speaking, they will eventually become ashamed and they feel afraid to speak in front of people especially if it is not their first language. Thus, I suggest Voki as the tool for I think it can really help students to overcome these two problems.

Voki home page

Customize your own avatar

That is all form me. I hope you will try this tool and I bet after using it you can speak like a pro! :D

(1) SCOPUS/SciTopics
Retrieved from:

"Academic language proficiency for students learning English as a second language in school means that students have mastered advanced English oral language skills sufficiently to think and talk like books (Cummins, 2000; Silliman & Wilkinson 2004; 2000; Bailey, in press) and to participate in all classroom activities".

(2) The Times Higher Education Supplement (THES)
Retrieved from:
The fact that today’s students arrive at university having already “assimilated the internet and connectivity into their everyday lives” demands new learning and teaching techniques, it believes.

Ezza Nabila bt Azman (A134321)


de niro said...

good job.

kami tak sentap said...

ohh, terima kasih zafri de niro!